Other uses for rose water

The cosmetics industry has been using rose water for a long time. But it is not only in the cosmetic field that water from rose petals can score points. Naturopathy also makes use of the ingredients and their properties. In addition, rose water is often used in the kitchen.

Rose water for health

It is now well known that rose water has a positive effect on skin and hair health. However, traditional applications and also naturopathy attribute other positive properties to the water. For example, it is said to have a positive effect on complaints such as

  • Headaches
  • Flickering eyes
  • gum inflammations
  • Diarrhoea
  • Depressions
  • Insomnia

can help.

But how exactly does rose water help?

Relief from headaches

As part of aromatherapy, rose water can apparently relieve certain forms of headache. The water is simply drizzled onto a damp washcloth, which is then placed on the forehead. This is where the aromas then unfold their effect.

Rose water against flickering eyes

Those who suffer from eye flutter may benefit from the use of rose water. This is probably due to the anti-infectious properties of rose water. To get relief, the affected eye is covered with a piece of cotton soaked in rose water for a few minutes.

Rose water for relief of inflammation of the gums

The ingredients contained in rose water are said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. Rose water can be used in the form of a gargle solution or as a mouthwash to support inflammation of the gums. However, it does not replace the use of conventional mouthwash.

Rose water for diarrhoea and digestive problems

Rose water – when used internally – can regulate digestion and thus be helpful for constipation and diarrhoea.

Due to its ingredients, rose water is said to have a detoxifying effect. It is assumed that it could therefore also help with stomach cramps. In Iran, rose water is even used as a traditional remedy for bloody diarrhoea.

Rose water against insomnia and depression

Rose water is often used against stress because of its seemingly calming effect. It can also relieve symptoms of depression and be helpful against insomnia.

The rose as a medicinal plant

If one takes a closer look at isolated studies on the Damascene Rose, the thoroughly healing effect of roses becomes clear.

Roses were already used in folk medicine in ancient times. And today? Especially naturopathy appreciates the strengthening and harmonizing properties of the essential oils contained in roses.

Aromatherapy makes use of the pleasant scent of roses to treat sadness and sorrow, disappointment, anxiety and depression, and also stress. Even Pliny the Elder and Abbess Hildegard von Bingen described the healing properties of roses.

In 1625, the German doctor and pharmacist as well as professor of medicine and botany, Jacobus Theodorus Tabernaemontames, described the internal use of rose water in his herbal book and listed some positive properties.

Roses have been used as medicinal plants for as long as mankind has existed. The oldest traces of roses are now more than 40 million years old. In Ayurveda in India, China, Persia, Greece and Rome, the wild rose has been a helpful remedy for a wide range of ailments for thousands of years.

Especially the Persians understood the art of refining roses. In the 8th century the trade with rose oil and rose water flourished in Persia.

Note: All information on medicinal effects is based on studies and experience. In case of health problems, a doctor should always be consulted to clarify the symptoms. The information provided here does not represent a therapy recommendation, only a doctor can give such a recommendation.

Rose water in the kitchen

Especially in the Arabic and Turkish cuisine rose water has been used for centuries.

Desserts as well as sweet and savoury dishes and also drinks give the flower water a great, flowery aroma. Rose water is also an ingredient in certain types of marzipan.

In Arabic countries it is also common to make a substitute for champagne from rose water and orange and pomegranate juice, which is then promised at award ceremonies at motor sports events, for example.

Baking and cooking with rose water – This must be observed

The use of rose water in baking and cooking may seem a little strange at first, but it is not that unusual. The water gives baked goods and also the most diverse dishes an unmistakable aroma.

Rose water is often used in rice flour cookies or British shortbread.

When using rose water, however, it should be noted that it is very aromatic and intense. As a rule, just a teaspoonful of it is sufficient, sometimes a few drops are enough. If dishes are to be refined with rose water, it is recommended to add the rose water only after the cooking process. In this way the aroma is also preserved.

Buy rose water in food quality

If you want to use rose water in the kitchen, you should buy it in food quality. Therefore, no additives should be added to the water, because they can have a negative effect on the human organism. Food-grade rose water is available in pharmacies and health food stores. You can also find rose water on the Internet, which is suitable for cooking and baking.

Making rose water for the kitchen yourself – does it make sense?

Again and again the question arises whether rose water can also be produced by yourself.

Basically it can be said: Yes.

As long as the roses in your own garden are not treated with pesticides, there is nothing to be said against producing rose water yourself, which can at least be used for cosmetic purposes.

However, it is not recommended to use a self-produced rose water in the kitchen. The reason for this are bitter substances which can be produced during the production and which would negatively change the taste of the prepared food.